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How to Think About Fashion?

The fashion industry is dirty, but (like many other sectors) it's merely a reflection of our growing population. We can't eliminate it, but as consumers, we can try to reduce its negative footprint, as brands adapt to our shopping behavior and demands. However, we can't forget that sustainability can't be defined as a fixed present state. It's an ongoing journey. So, what can each of us do on our path towards sustainability? 

Buy Less 

The most crucial point of the whole issue. Reflect on how many pieces are completely unnecessary in your wardrobe. The amount you've needlessly spent isn't the only problem with these purchases, in fact, it's the smallest issue. 

Consider the Cost 

Don't ask why something is so expensive. Ask why some clothing can be extremely cheap. Behind making one article of clothing, there are many people, hours of work, and a significant amount of (ideally quality) material. 

Let's briefly look at the journey of a garment: the idea, design, choosing the main materials, testing the materials, pattern documentation, sampling, garment grading, designing/choosing/testing additional parts, testing finished products, designing and procuring packaging materials, photography, and other tasks related to market launch. All of this is intertwined with transportation and further human labor, and we haven't even touched upon the entire process of growing and obtaining basic materials and creating accessories.

 Before such a product reaches stores for you to pick, it takes several months or even years. This should lead to THE question – how come a t-shirt that involves so much work can cost as little as, say, 8 euros?

Value Certifications 

There are various textile certifications, for now, we'll mention two of the most common: Oeko-Tex and GOTS. 

The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certificate guarantees that the material of the product is harmless for children up to one year old and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals. The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) certificate states that the product or material is produced under strict rules concerning organic quality – from the cultivation phase to final treatment or storage. 

Many manufacturers have certificates for raw materials, but they then use the certificate label for entire products, which isn't the same. So, if you're genuinely interested in certifications or want to start, look for certifications for each component, which you can find in our products, for instance. :) 

Seek Quality Materials 

What materials should play a significant role in your wardrobe? Cotton, bamboo, hemp, or linen. From the "semi-natural" and less burdening materials- modal or Tencel are certainly among them. 

Certain products (like underwear) require elasticity, so it's certainly not wrong to include elastane, but it's good to minimize its share in your wardrobe. Under the GOTS certificate, the maximum llowable elastane content is 5%. 

You shouldn't just focus on the material of the product itself, but also on the material of accessories like elastics, studs, buttons, labels, or fillings. All of this affects whether the product is suitable for recycling or not. 

Let's Recycle 

We're thankful for the orange containers, which have greatly contributed to the recycling or upcycling of textiles! Are you using them? If not, look for an orange container in your area, and you'll know where to take your discarded items.

At least someone more competent than us regular citizens will decide on their further use. Another option is to return old items directly to the manufacturer. Many brands already have programs based on the recycling or upcycling of used products. For us, it's another step toward sustainable fashion, which is why we're also working on this option! 

Know the Origin of Goods 

Did you know that a pair of jeans can circle the entire planet several times during its production? This is because the cheapest buttons might be in one country, and in another, they might use colors that are already banned elsewhere... and so on.

Ano, musíme počítat s tím, že materiál našeho oblečení pravděpodobně nebude vypěstován v našich zeměpisných šířkách, jelikož na to tady zkrátka nejsou podmínky. Proto je zcela normální původ ze zemí třetího světa se zaměřením na zemědělství. Co ale hraje důležitou roli? Mezičlánky, jako je maximální míra maximální míra využití lokálních dodavatelů, nebo například distribuce v menších vzdálenostech. Následné úpravy v rozvinutých zemích mají z větší míry šanci na dodržení ekologických i etických regulí.

Yes, we have to consider that the material of our clothing probably won't be grown in our Central European geographical latitude, as the conditions here simply aren't suitable. Therefore, it's entirely normal for the origin to be from developing countries which focus on agriculture.

But what plays an important role? 

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