Nové produkty, nový směr značky

New Products, New Direction for the Brand

You might have noticed that ELKA Underwear recently transformed into ELKA LOUNGE. However, we've changed much more than just the name. We have numerous new products, we're working with new...

New Products, New Direction for the Brand

You might have noticed that ELKA Underwear recently transformed into ELKA LOUNGE. However, we've changed much more than just the name. We have numerous new products, we're working with new...

With respect to you and nature. Co dělá ELKA pro udržitelnost?

With Respect to You and Nature: What Does ELKA ...

As customers, we can support sustainable fashion and a sustainable lifestyle in many ways. But let's look at it from the other side for a moment. How should brands behave,...

With Respect to You and Nature: What Does ELKA ...

As customers, we can support sustainable fashion and a sustainable lifestyle in many ways. But let's look at it from the other side for a moment. How should brands behave,...

Jak přemýšlet o módě?

How to Think About Fashion?

The fashion industry is dirty, but (like many other sectors) it's merely a reflection of our growing population. We can't eliminate it, but as consumers, we can try to reduce...

How to Think About Fashion?

The fashion industry is dirty, but (like many other sectors) it's merely a reflection of our growing population. We can't eliminate it, but as consumers, we can try to reduce...

Dospěli jsme, začínáme

We've Grown, and We're Just Getting Started.

Since 2008, we've been building the ELKA brand for you. Most of you probably know the story of our beginnings from the dąescription on our website, media, or our social...

We've Grown, and We're Just Getting Started.

Since 2008, we've been building the ELKA brand for you. Most of you probably know the story of our beginnings from the dąescription on our website, media, or our social...