• Even though I hesitated mainly because of the price, I had no reason to. It has been a long time since I was so excited about a new piece of clothing.

  • I bought a linen dress, which is completely basic, but it is well sewn and the material is high quality. Made in the EU. I appreciate that.

  • I love your sweatshirt, amazing quality and comfort. They take it out regularly every week. And your basic t-shirt is the best quality t-shirt I have, amazingly comfortable, flattering and still looks great.

  • I am very happy that quality + nice clothes can be sewn here in the EU. If I could, I would only buy from you. Unfortunately, it is not entirely possible, but I still have a lot of your great clothes and bedding. Thank you for starting something like this.

  • The softest and most comfortable material I know. Even my 3 year old daughter intuitively selects your things from the drawer.

  • Great colors. Material - perfect. The inside of the sweatshirt is so comfortable on the body that I don't have a better sweatshirt than this one from you. The shirt fits perfectly and is comfortable in both summer and winter.

1 z 6

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Vyrábame udržateľné oblečenie z biobavlny a ľanu v Českej republike už od roku 2008. Spoznajte náš well & less módny koncept spojený s láskou k cestovaniu av duchu all day športy, all day elegant.

Viac o nás

Extra jemné

Prírodné materiály.

Naše produkty vyrábame z extra jemných materiálov s tými najvyššími certifikátmi ako je GOTS alebo OEKOTEX 100. Spoznajte náš francúzsky ľan a biobavlnu a doprajte si zážitok z každodenného obliekania.

Materiály a výroba v ČR

Slavojova 1, Praha 2.


Príďte sa za nami pozrieť do nášho pražského showroomu.


Ďakujeme za dôveru a zdieľanie.

Už od roku 2008.

Každý rok je nás viac. Pridajte sa k nám tiež a užívajte si módu, ktorá funguje, vydrží a bude vám robiť radosť na každom kroku.
